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STEAM-CT Projects
6-9 years

Children get familiar with the idea of ‘going on a bear hunt’ by listening to a story. They go on a bear hunt themselves, whereby they are stimulated to think about their searching strategy and the importance of sight. Based on these experiences, they create their own bear hunt. They think of the different things they have to do: design a bear, look for a good hiding spot, ... They write a short story about their bear and set up their own ‘bear spot’. At last, they have to think of ways to connect the ‘bear spots’ of the different groups and set up a coronaproof ‘bear hunt’ event for other children at school, family, …

Music (BE)

Children explore the rhythm and melody in a piece of music and create their own piece of music by programming rhythm and melody (e.g. in scratch) 

In these activities students will have the opportunity to discuss various problems related to the theme "orientation" and solve them, in group, using tangible programming or robots. It is suggested that the activities be carried out with children aged between 5 and 6 years, and with more support from teachers, students aged between 3 and 5 years should be able to respond to them. 

Students will create maps so that children with visual impaired disability can orientate in the school area.

The goals are to collaborate, communicate and solve problems. Make students aware of and understand children with different needs. Also to learn to use their different senses.

Make students more aware of sustainable development.

Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Awareness about plastic.

Design and sew a fabric tote.


Erasmus+ Funded Project n.º 2019-1-BE-02-KA201-.060222

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